Category: Uncategorized
AMLT Dev Update Nov
What a busy month! I was applying for a bunch of PhDs and I am exhausted. Anyway, here comes the update New Expressions I am working on some new expressions for her. I am using Krita for this process. And this is how this expression looks in AMLT. Implementing this also let found and fixed…
She’s Drunk!
Yesterday night my AMLT assistant went to a party with her friends. Now she just came back, extremely drunk, and wants to discuss with me about a novel called Spice and Wolf. For this demo to work I basically ported Shiffman’s Markov text generator from the class example. However, it requires quite a few tweaks…
I Know My Name!
AMLT finally knows her name! You can now let your chatbot character to know their name by setting it in the pack.mltmeta file. I also put together a way for users to use these information in AMLT’s reply strings. It’s called MLTCode. MLTCode is parsed entirely on the JavaScript side. MLTCode looks like this: [MLT:command,param0=val0,param1=val1,…,paramN=valN]…
AMLT The Chat Bot
This weeks assignment was creating a chatbot, which is the thing that I was planned to do for the entire term. Since I already have this weird C# + JavaScript abomination, I decided to add RiveScript support… And also a nice little logo. RiveScript is an interesting addition. I originally planned to use JavaScript for…
Urban Dictionary API
I wrote a very simple (in terms of JavaScript code) urban dictionary random word fetcher in AMLT. The js code looks like this: “This is very simple!” I heard your mind. Yes, the heavy lifting part of this code resides in AMLT’s C# side(which is not open source). For example, getHttpResponse is a custom function…
Regex Experiments with AMLT
This week I experimented multiple regexes and although they are hard to read, they are also quite powerful. I wrote a command for AMLT to use regex to process strings from the chat. the source code looks like this (since AMLT uses a completely different set of API than your regular browser, a lot of…
JInt Instead of p5js
In this term I decided to use something different than p5js. I decided to use JInt, which is a C# based JavaScript runtime that converts JS into C# calls on the fly. The reason I am choosing this approach is that I am currently making a C# based desktop chatbot that is scriptable with JavaScript.…
Hello world!
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